Archive for month: May, 2024
People Profile – Dr. Karina Charipova
/in News You Need to Know, People Profiles /by MedStar GME Admin
Karina Charipova, MD, (PGY-3, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)
Karina Charipova, MD, (PGY-3, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) never imagined that a job would be where she’d find such an incredible, supportive community.
Dr. Charipova began her medical education at Georgetown University School of Medicine and, through the MedStar Health-Georgetown University Partnership, was able to start forming the relationships with MedStar Health faculty and associates that she relies on today. Now, some of her biggest mentors, and even friends, are the people she first worked with during medical school.
Looking back, Dr. Charipova is thankful that she put effort into her relationships at work and knows that stepping out of her comfort zone was essential to forming these connections. “I am an introvert through and through, but getting to know the people I work with has been worth every initially awkward interaction. Residency can be challenging, and we spend so much time at work that finding unity in that experience makes every hard day just a little easier,” she reflects.
As a Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) representative, Dr. Charipova serves as a liaison between residents and the system-wide GMEC and helps to ensure that MedStar Health GME administrators are in touch with the issues residents care most about.
Dr. Charipova also supports the MedStar Health-Georgetown University Partnership—now from a different vantage point than when she was a student—by helping with the organization of the plastic surgery rotation for third-year medical students, including orienting students and serving as their point of contact during the rotation. “Teaching and working with learners has amounted to some of the most valuable experiences within my own education, and I hope to make medical education a big part of my future career,” she says.
As someone who hopes to one day work in an academic setting, Dr. Charipova values the many ways in which plastic surgeons are able to collaborate across surgical and non-surgical disciplines to help patients, especially those who are affected by chronic medical problems. She also appreciates that plastic surgery is much more than meets the eye. “We care for patients young and old, healthy and not, in the hospital and in ambulatory settings. We are given the privilege to operate all over the body and to work toward making our patients look and feel whole again,” she explains.
Dr. Charipova hopes that the future of medicine will mean the United States becoming healthier overall. “I hope that new developments—like those in technology, innovation, and AI—can help even the playing field instead of just making the best medical care even better. We have a long way to go when it comes to making our country a healthier place, and I hope that we do not lose sight of that,” she says.
Dr. Charipova has called the “DMV” home for some time now. Though she was born in Russia and first immigrated to Toronto, she came to Northern Virginia with her parents in the early 2000s. A big NBA fan, Dr. Charipova says when she’s at home, more often than not, there’s a game on in the background while she catches up on work.
People Profile – Dr. Christina (Kan Hong) Zheng
/in News You Need to Know, People Profiles /by MedStar GME Admin
Christina (Kan Hong) Zheng, DO, (PGY-3, General Surgery)
Christina (Kan Hong) Zheng, DO, (PGY-3, General Surgery) has a hard time sitting still. (Well, except for the time she finished a 16-scoop ice cream cone by herself in one sitting…a moment she admits may not have been her healthiest but will go down as one of her proudest!)
Originally leading Dr. Zheng to medicine was a love of and curiosity for science and an interest in helping others. Surgery was a good fit, she says, because it allowed her to keep moving and to use her hands to get things done.
When she isn’t using her hands to perform the intricate work of a surgeon, you might find Dr. Zheng snapping pictures for the MedStar Baltimore General Surgery Residency Instagram account. As the main photographer and poster, Dr. Zheng says @medstarbaltimoresurgery was initially launched to reach other aspiring surgeons. No one expected the tremendous support of residents in other programs and specialties or the interest of the general surgery residents’ families and friends. Encouraged by the response, the residents are happy to share even more of their day-to-day with their audience because, as Dr. Zheng explains, “We love our program, and we want to share that love with others.”
Despite her fondness for her residency program, Dr. Zheng readily admits that residency has come with its share of challenges. She reflects, “I’m not sure how I got stuck with this group of wonderful and supportive beings, but they’re the ones helping me get through a difficult residency.”
On @medstarbaltimoresurgery, Dr. Zheng documents the residents’ activities, like a recent cardiovascular and thoracic anatomy lab where they learned to perform chest tube placements, tracheotomies, open thoracotomies, and exposure of great vessels, among other procedures. She also highlights some of the things that help residents stay upbeat—including their furriest family members, featured for National Pet Day; morning yoga led by one of their coworkers before grand rounds; and some friendly competition during their annual man vs. food contest.
To other aspiring surgeons or residents—maybe even those following along on @medstarbaltimoresurgery—Dr. Zheng offers the following: “Regardless of your stage in training, there will be as many ups as there will be downs. We are all continuing to grow. Take any and all opportunities to learn, be adaptable and flexible, and stay humble.”

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